Majestik Membership

Save More With Majestik!

Our members save hundreds with each booking, just like the above example.

By following these three steps, you too can take advantage of all the great offers available.


Step 1: Plan Your Trip

First, decide when you want to take your trip. We have offers for members that cater to different types of vacations, ranging from family trips to romantic getaways. Pick the dates that work best for you and plan accordingly.


Step 2: Review Offers

Once you’ve set the dates for your trip, it’s time to review the available offers. Log into your MajestiK account to view all the current deals available. These include discounts on flights, hotels, and experiences. Be sure to compare the features of each offer and pick the one that best meets your needs.


Step 3: Book Your Trip

Once you’ve found your perfect offer, book your trip right away. Your MajestiK membership gives you access to special discounts and features that can help you save even more on your vacation.